Why was he in this chamber of horrors? As Sir Reginald stepped back from the window, he bumped into a bed trolley being pushed by a nurse. The next window was misty with condensation, but Reginald clearly saw molten human flesh being poured onto a living skeleton.

A burnt smell drifted faintly under the door.

A doctor threw a switch and the figure jolted and jerked as the industrial-strength electrolysis machine did its work. It was strapped into a machine glowing with electric currents. Looking in, the bureaucrat distinctly saw a disgusting creature, the size of a person, but covered with hair. Further along the corridor was a room with a row of windows. Sir Reginald hurried on, too shocked to speak.

Without warning a blade swished down and the tongue, twitching, fell into the depths of the machinery. But what was that? The figure’s tongue, grossly enlarged, was lying over a sharp edge. Someone was leaning over the machine, looking into its innards. A doctor was fiddling with an impressive, wellmaintained machine. Sir Reginald recoiled and moved to the next window. Without warning, a hand clutching a huge steel needle pierced the side of the cranium and deflated it with an audible pop.ģ. He looked in and saw the view blocked by a bloated head. Instead, there was a continuous cacophony, a pervasive smell, and sick people milling chaotically. There wasn’t even a nurse with a cup of coffee, as he’d hinted for on the telephone (milk, two whiskies, just as he always had it). There was no reception committee waiting for him. He’d stepped into the reception area and already things hadn’t looked good. However, things hadn’t worked out that way. Tour the facilities, chat up the nurses, and get a few votes in the bag while he was about it. It had seemed a good idea a week ago, in the safety of his mahogany office. The Minister was beginning to regret his request to visit the Hospital. The Man from the Ministry Sir Reginald Crumbly MP’s horror was quickly turning to nausea. It’s useful to keep the Appendices at hand while playing. Part 3 is a Quick Start Tutorial for those of you who are surprised you’ve bothered to read this far and can’t wait to get going. Part 2 explains how game features work, from those you’ll see early on, to those that are introduced to the game later (although we’ve left out a few things which are really most fun to discover for yourself).
How to Use this Manual Part 1 of this manual contains all the instructions necessary to install and run Theme Hospital on your PC. Running a Hospital is difficult and expensive but, if you achieve your given aims by the end of each financial quarter, you’ll eventually be offered a better, more challenging job, at another Hospital. To succeed, you’ve got to get the balance right between providing a top-notch service to those who need it and making a lot of money at the same time. Mess up and you won’t have a pair of socks to your name. Do well and you’ll be able to retire to the Bahamas before you reach fifty. The better you do, the more points you score and the higher your salary goes. You have to make the decisions that ultimately make or break your career. Introduction The Health Ministry of Theme World has employed you, wisely or otherwise, to run their Hospitals. Statement Screen Casebook Policy Screen Research Screen (Research Room must be in hospital to view screen) Graph Screen Staff Screen Bank Manager Status ScreenĢ. (To speed up your hospital to ‘And Then Some More’ speed, hold down W.) Function Keys: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ✚ To change the speed of the game to slowest,slower, normal, max, or ‘and then some more’ speed, press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. ✚ To Quit the game and return to your operating system, press s - Q. To Quick Restore the last game saved in the Quick Save slot, press a- L. To increase/decrease the number of items by 10, Hold down c. ✚ To increase/decrease the number of Corridor or Extra Room Items you want to buy in multiples of 5, hold down the s key while increasing or decreasing the number of items you want to buy. To zoom back to that position, press c + the function key. ✚ To set a zoom key, go to where you want to zoom to and press a + a function key. 55 Credits.58Ĭommand Reference ✚ To move around the hospital, press the arrow keys. 45 Appendix A: Staff and Patient Mood Icons. 44 Using the Menu Bar.46 Part 3: Quick Start Tutorial. The Main Screen Elements.8 Using the Control Panels. Installation Instructions.4 Running Theme Hospital.5 Part 2: Playing Theme Hospital.